The Halina Panorama is one of the most basic cameras I have ever come across. It has no features. It is simply a fixed focus 28mm (possibly slightly wider) f/11 lens, a shutter that fires at 1/125th (supposedly) and a shutter button. By this merit, it is in actual fact even more simple than most of the disposable cameras I have used! That said, it does have one unique attribute – it’s a crop-frame panoramic camera. The viewfinder and the film gate are both designed to produce a wide 13 x 36mm format crop from the middle of a normal 24 x 36 negative.
Features: Panaromic aspect ratio, manual wind, focus free lens.
Difficulty: 2/5 Super easy to use, only tricky bit is loading but that's also super easy to learn.
Condition: Fantastic condition overall
Cosmetic: 7.5/10. Good condition overall, minor scuffs here and there. Pretty clean overall though.
Battery: none
Film: 35mm